Call For Paper (Themes of the Conference)
Online World Multidisciplinary Conference on Recent Trends in Environmental Science and Management (WMCRTESM 2024) is one of the great international platforms for the presentation of new research in the field of environmental science and management. The conference will bring together leading researchers, scientists, professors, engineers across the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
1) Ecology and Ecosystem 2) Environmental Pollutions 3) Sustainable Development 4) Water Resource Management 5) Atmospheric Science
6) Agriculture 7) Hydrology 8) Environmental Monitoring and Management 9) Life Sciences 10) Environmental Chemistry 11) Environmental Economics 12) Environment Protection 13) Environment Education 14) Forestry 15) Wildlife Science 16) Earth Science 17) Climatology 18) Any topic which is allied to environment.